Educational application for children of different ages that allows them to learn basic traffic rules in an interactive and innovative way.
The application accompanies the interactive book and AR experiences can be activated by scanning AR enriched pages.
Character animation with narration is enhanced with the animated street environment, 2D and 3D animations, audio effects and particle effects. The character explains where to cross the street properly.
This scene contains interaction. Users have a task to click on the button when the character is ready to cross the street properly. This scene contains 3D models, audio effects, animations and particle effects.
3D environment of the street with the animated traffic light appears. Character explains how to cross the street with a traffic light. In this interactive scene user have a task to click on the button when the character is ready to cross safely, i.e. when the light is green and no cars around. This scene contains 3D models, audio effects, animations and particle effects.
3D environment of the street with the traffic light appears. Character explains how to cross the street when big vehicles are near us. This scene contains interaction. There are different models of the vehicles on the scene, user have a task to mark the big ones. This scene contains 3D models, audio effects, animations and particle effects.
In this AR scene character explains how to cross the railroad.
This scene contains 3D model of the environment with the railroad and the train, animated character, audio effects, animations and particle effects.